UPDATED Reviews and News Clippings Page

 Dear Reader,

I've updated the REVIEWS AND NEWSCLIPPINGS page as there has been a flurry of positive Plague Thieves reviews. 

Reviews really make or break a book. So, when you have the opportunity to leave a review for a book you have read...do it. Because it supports the author, illustrator, publishing house, and greater publishing community!

Where do you leave a review? 

  • Social media (if you review one of my books -- tag me and I'll repost and add it to my reviews and newsclippings page here!)
  • Goodreads
  • Amazon
  • Barnes and Noble
  • Indigo
  • Indie bookstore page
  • Personal blogs and websites

Writer's In The Schools Application Open - ONTARIO

 As a TWUC member, I am eligible for the Writer's in the Schools program for Ontario school visits. This means, I can apply to have a funded virtual or in-person visit to your school.

The virtual or in-person visit must be between Sept 1, 2024 and March 28, 2025. I would be pleased to chat with your readers about any of my books. The book writing process. Editing. And more!

The deadline for me to apply is July 15th so please contact me A.S.A.P. (contact form on right sidebar).

Caroline Fernandez - Canadian kidlit author