Canadian children's book author. #kidlit picture books, non-fiction, and #MG. Passionate tea drinker.

SHORT BIO - for child reader audience

Caroline Fernandez loves to write children's books for curious kids. She's won awards for her fantastic stories, like the exciting chapter book series "Asha and Baz" which highlights real-life historical women in STEM. She has written numerous picture books including; "Hide And Seek: Wild Animal Groups in North America" and "The Adventures of Grandmasaurus" (series) and "Stop Reading This Book". For those looking for a big adventure, her middle-grade historical novel "Plague Thieves" is now out. 

Caroline writes, drinks tea, and bakes in Toronto, ON. 

Follow on Twitter and Instagram: @ParentClub

LONGER BIO - for the grown-ups :-)

Caroline Fernandez is an award-winning Canadian children's book author. She earned a B.A. in English from McMaster University and a Teacher of English As A Second Language (TESL) Certificate from the Toronto District School Board.

Caroline writes in many genres for children of all ages and abilities. Her chapter book series "Asha and Baz" highlights historical women in STEM. She has written numerous picture books including; "Hide And Seek: Wild Animal Groups in North America", "The Adventures of Grandmaasaurus" (series) and "Stop Reading This Book." Her debut into the middle grade historical novel genre is "Plague Thieves."

Caroline Fernandez is the author of 12 kidlit books (with 3 more under contract) with publishers like DCB/Cormorant, Common Deer Press, Cico Kids, and DC Canada Education Publishing. Published book genres include: non-fiction, picture book, chapter book, and middle grade. Author milestones include: Silver Birch Non-Fiction Honour Book Award (2016), numerous Purple Dragonfly Awards, Next Generation Indie Book Awards finalist and CCBC Best Books For Kids. Member of CANSCAIP, SCBWI, and owner of Authors’ Booking Service. Caroline has a robust social media platform to leverage for books and book event promotion

Caroline writes, drinks tea, and bakes in Toronto, ON. 

Follow on Twitter and Instagram: @ParentClub